The Easter TT has been run and won.
By Ed. Glen Ottley
Congratulations to all the winners and grinners no matter where you finished. Whilst it is nice to get a gong, riding to your best ability, perhaps getting a PB or just having a fat time in close quarters with your racemates is sometimes all we need.
Thanks to the many officials and volunteers that gave up their time.
Whilst on the Thommo’s, Lauchy was my man of the meet with stellar – fast as fudge performances on the junior bike plus Turn One Dave’s 125 dinger on Sunday. Keep your eyes on him, folks, he can ride. Yes, he finished in front of Dave at least once. Speaking of Thommo himself, despite his ongoing health concerns there was no stopping him support his kids over the weekend with a big grin as per usual. I do know Maureen was trying to hijack his walking frame “just for the day John” but I dunno how she went there.
Bob kept busy on Saturday scrutineering and on Sunday commentating on each race and name-dropping our sponsors right on cue. The yellow snow joke on Saturday was palatable Bob.
Miracles, a shift by feel and an off down the bowling alley
I (along with others) was a little melancholy when it was revealed a racemate was hanging up the leathers after the weekend. Lloyd will be a big part of supporting racers for the years to come with his skills in the shed, there is no doubt.
Thanks for being a part of our racing journeys champ. All the very best from us.

It looks like the club has grown to the point we now have some full grids for tuning and race days. This is a positive conundrum for sure, but one that committee and members will need to consider and make decisions as an official MA Period 7 looms for 2024. There are plenty of rumours of these machines being prepared and our grids will fill up further. Whilst the committee is vested with executing our events, it’s the members that can offer insights, ideas, and general feedback as to how best we can conduct these events in the future.
Whilst that doesn’t mean everyone will get their way; it does mean the committee have your information and ideas to consider when making these decisions. Don’t be shy if you have something to add.

Can we ask again that you mark your master or clip link on your chains so that it’s easy to see? It’s the longest thing to scrutineer if we can’t see it, and I get dirty knees.
Pit Bay Etiquette “Always respect people’s property in their pit areas”. That seems a straightforward statement, right? We don’t touch other people’s stuff unless we are close mates/they are cool with you/you are there/they say ok. You don’t spend time lounging in someone’s pit when they are not there or use a person’s bike as a footrest or table and we
don’t fiddle with anyone’s gear, ever.
I like our sociable moments on race weekends as much as the next person but to my surprise, I woke up on Sunday morning (see pic) to this. Whilst I am known to enjoy a rollie, I was “swear word” ropable that someone would spend the evening in my pit at my table (where I also occasionally cook) in my chair with my glass when I was not there, and they think it OK to leave this as well. Yes, that’s ash all over my warmer bags. I surely don’t know anyone that would do this, do I? Whomever you are, feel free to stay away from our pits. There are lots of people at the track these days inclusive of riders, friends, families, kids, and visitors, so please be always respectful of other people’s property and space.
Thanks to our trackside photographers Graeme Howe and John Innes. You can personally thank them by purchasing a photo.