If you need more information or general advice about a particular class of racing,  the contacts for each class are below

Eligibility Scrutineer Contact: Rob Fry – robfry4@bigpond.net.au
Period 1 Veteran –Solo Machines dated up to 31/12/1919
Period 2 Vintage –Solo Machines dated 01/01/1920 to 31/12/1945
Period 3 Classic –Solo & Sidecar Machines dated 01/01/1946 to 31/12/1962
Contact: Annie Tregger – 51speedie@iinet.net.au
Period 4 Post Classic –Solo & Sidecar Machines dated 01/01/1963 to 31/12/1972
Contact: Mark Ackermans – madmack@iprimus.com.au
Period 5 Forgotten era –Solo & Sidecar Machines dated 01/01/1973 to 31/12/1982
Period 6 New Era –Solo machines dated 01/01/1983 to 31/12/1990

Period 7 Golden Era –Solo machines dated 01/01/1991 to 31/12/1999

Thunderbikes –One or two cylinder 4 stroke engines 400cc-1305cc – bikes must comply with Section 7.17.1 of the 2023MoMS
Contact: Roger Middlebrook – middlebrook66@gmail.com

Modern Bikes –up to 1000cc 4-cylinder 4 stroke or up to 1300cc 2-cylinder 4 stroke dated from 01/01/2000

Modern Lites –250cc to 400cc
125cc GP bikes
Contact: David Manson – d.manson63@outlook.com
Juniors 11 to under 16 yrs. –160cc 4 stroke single. Bikes must comply with Section 6 -Pg 54
Contact: Roger Middlebrook – middlebrook66@gmail.com
Sidecars Kevin Webb – kevinwebb18@hotmail.com